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A weekly reflection of my developments, findings and conncetions I made during my knitting and learning process, to tie my journey together.


Week 1 
5th-9th Sep

Introductions Week

The introduction week was filled with super interesting and diverse visits to different places that all show a different side of the knitting world. I found a lot of textile inspiration in the textile museum and also got really inspired by the moulage exercise on Thursday.


Week 2
12th-16th Sep

Stitch & Structure

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The kick off week for stitch and structure was super exciting. Its really cool to learn all these techniques and to see what is possible with knit. I was really intreagued by the open work. For the design class I developed some sketches inspired by the moulage exercise last thursday and can tell that this is a direction I definetly want to go in.

Week 3 
19th-13rd Sep

Stitch & Structure 2


During this week we did very interesting jaquard and weaving exercises which felt really fun and inspiring. For the deign class I did some draping on the body with a few knit swatches I've made and it gave me a nice insight on how knit behaves on the body. This week we had to start finding our concept. My experience with that was that I didn't have to find a concept because it felt like the concept found me. I just looked at my moulage exercise and sketches and the contrast of layering and open spaces made the two extremes of hot and cold very obvious to me, I feel excited to develop the concept even more.

Week 4
26th-30th Sep

Stitch & Structure Experimentation

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It was really nice to feel so free to experiment during this week. I am right now in the beginning stages of developing the techniques for my concept. Since I want to combine opaque with transparent I did a lot of weaving exercises this week since they have quite a duality of transparent and opaque.

Week 5
3rd-7th Oct

Shape & Construction

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Learning about how to shape a panel was very inspiring for me because I could finally execute my idea of a convertabile pattern I thought about. Learning all these short row & partial knitting techniques gave me even more ideas to come up with panel shapes which one the body can turn into agarment through lacing and draping.


Week 5
10th-14th Oct

Shape & Construction Experimentation


This week I wanted to use my newely gained knowledge of shaping on the machine and combine it with the tool DesignaKnit. With Rosans help I could transfer my CLO pattern into Designa Knit and get the step by step knitting description. After knitting the two panels I used the linker to link the edges. I wanted to add a rib in the visor but I had so many difficulties with making a fully fashioned rib that I haven't added that yet.

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Week 6
17rd-21st Oct

Fall Break - Research & Experimentation

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Following my concept pitch reviw to make the clothing a bit less contrasty but more hybrid I took a deep dive into the topic "hybridism". It was a really good way to gain inspiration on what I understand under hybrid knit and also find out on how I would define the word hybrid for myself.

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Week 7
24th-28th Oct

Shape & Construction Experimentation

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Objekt 21.png

During this week I made a front panel with weaving to try out how to give a knit 3D shape with certain techniques. The weaving top really got me inspired to make the style components in the knit also a functional and active part that make it a garment in the end. In this case the weaving could be tied around the neck and the body and turned fro a flat panel into a garment.

Week 8
1st-4th Nov

3D Experimentation

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During this week I got introduced how to make shape with elastic yarn and the ottoman rib technique. From this technique I developed my own panel which I made a bra out of. I did draping with the ottoman rib swatches on the half scale mannequin which showed me how versatile and shapeable these swatches are and brought me to the conclusion that I want my collection to have conversible garments.

Week 9
7th-11th Nov


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This week I had my midterm assesment which was a great opportunity for me to reflect where my project is going and that the whole "Hibridity" aspect might not be transferable to my concept anymore.

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Week 10
14th-19th Nov


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This week while experimenting with different yarn & technique variations, I came to the decision to make bubble chaps instead of pants, since it supports my concepts design language of contrasting covered & open spaces. For the pattern I decided the bubbles are perfect to be gathered, so I will knit 2 straight panels which will turn into chaps through gathering and the in-& side-seams


Week 11
21th-25th Nov

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I spent this week working on variations of the bubble technique until I found the perfect variation & combination. So I decided on my final measurement swatch & yarn combination.

Week 12
28th-2nd Dec


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This week I spent doing technical research on what kind of ottoman rib technique & yarn I will use for the skirt. When finding the final technique I saw how beautifully it draped on the arm, so I decided to use the same technqiue & yarn for the sleeve as well, also to have an aesthetic continuity 

Week 13
5th-9th Dec



After receiving a lot of feedback on my bubble measurement swatch & on how the bubbles could turn oval, I created multiple swatches trying to make the bubbles rounder, which actually made them more squared. Thats why in the end I decided to go back to my original swatch. 

Week 14
12th-16th Dec

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While working on the final skirt & fitting it on the mannequin, I decided to add a rib waistband with weaving to gather. When fitting the sleeve I decided to add a band on both sides for a neat and beautiful finishing.

Week 15
19th-23rd Dec


This week I finished my pant legs, which despite the big measurement swatch turned out way better than before. After consulting with the teachers about it I decided to go with it and consider it in styling.

I also did my first measurement swatch for the scarf which led me to the conclusion that I will have to shorten it a lot.

Week 16
9th-13th Jan



This week I finished the scarf, the chaps and also bade a balaclava as an accessory. After the last fitting I added crin to the skirt layering piece and decided to deal with the pant length through styling it with the shoes.

Week 17
16th-20rd Jan

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On monday I had the photoshoot and spent the rest of the week editing the pictures and printing the posters.

Anker 1

© Studio Process Book. By Pauline Blind.

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